Welcome back to another blog post presented by Marker23 Guide Service. My name is Captain Ozzy and I’m exciting to be back with you guys after taking last month off, this week I would like to go over some common questions I get as a full time fishing guide. Jumping right into it with the number one most common question is ‘where are the fish’. Although I could list in this blog some GPS cobordances, I believe the root question with in this is how can I find more fish? The short answer is spend more time on the water, but if you use your time on the water wisely then you can really make the most of that precious water time. When looking for fish, whether sight fishing, power fishing, or almost any other style fishing their are 3 major factors that motivate fish to behave how they do. First of which is food, predatory fish will not spend much time in places where the bait isn’t present. Now the tricky part of this is bait is constantly on the move, with tide, with the seasons, or with other weather conditions. Point being, step one is almost always going to be find the bait. The second major factor in why fish do what they do is safety. This could look like many different things, such as structure, shallow water, or swimming in schools. All of these behaviors are for safety, fish might feel unsafe due to fishing pressure, other predators, or significant weather systems. All of these factors can help you make a decision on where you will fish next. The Last major factor that can effect fish behavior is, spawning. and depending on the fish you are after, will determine what type of spawning behavior you can expect to encounter. Spawning fish can be very dependable and a lot of fun, or they can be unpredictable and frustrating, it just depends on what stage of spawning they are in. None the less if you keep these three things in mind ( Food, Safety, Spawn) next time you are on the water you are well on your way to finding more fish. Be sure to check out our next blog post as we deep dive into more questions like these.